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Click here to watch my travels
Click here to listen to a Korean Christian singer Sohyang. I admire her powerful voice! Majestic and solid!
I called this blog "Chopsuey" because it has many topics in one writing. You understand what I mean with this if you are an Asian...hahahaha.
It's taking me long to finish this writing. I am in the mood of writing at midnight or between midnight and 2 o'clock in the morning. OMGully, this will be hard...I want to sleep more. Another time when I am in the mood of writing is after swimming while munching post-workout foods in my car just like now. Thanks to this iPad that is so versatile and handy. There are still other quotes I like to include I this blog but I will post this few ones anyway. I'll do the others sometime later and I'll make it better.
Side thoughts: Today is the 4th day of my summer vacation since Saturday. Oh boy, it has been so relaxing and no buzzing of the alarm clock early 5 am. This summer vacation is more relaxed than last year. My biological clock is still in the "work day" mode. I don't want to wake up early but I still always do, but the cool thing is that I am able to take a power nap in the afternoon! It feels so good!
I will be in Israel 13 days from now. My excitement level is pumping up. This will be an experience that I will be able to make good connections between my faith and the Holy Land. I will visit Jerusalem, Jericho, Bethlehem, Masada, Jordan River, Dead Sea and I am forgetting others...I need to check my itinerary in Israel. It's all done! Following after Israel, I am heading to Ulaanbataar in Mongolia. This will be exciting --- hot, hot, hot, the 100s! Yes, I love the heat but let see how tolerant my body will be I the Gobi desert! No snakes please!!!
Now...let me get to the on...
June 4, 2011
"Confidence is a quality that may cause a person to succeed or fail in life." Stanley
Every one is expected to be confident! Being confident is different from being prideful and arrogant. The latter makes someone to be disliked by many. How confident are you? I've met and seen people who suffer from self pity. Self pity is destructive! It's a strong sign of low self-esteem. What causes lack of confidence? In my opinion, lack of believe in oneself that one "can do" causes it. Others such as unemployment, lack of education and negative attitude and outlook in life.
June 4, 2011
"The words we say could be an encouragement or a deterrent to our success in life." Stanley
It was last week that I heard this quote from Charles Stanley. I made me to start thinking of each word we say in every sentence. Words are very powerful. It is even more forceful than written language. The facial expression, hand gestures and more evidently, the eyes' focus and movement add to the "intensity" of each word we say. As I reflect on this quote, it came across to my mind the other quote Charles said I his message. "People listen to our words, look at our walk, and observe our work." This is very true. I always listen, look and observe my students' words, work and directions in the classroom, respectively. We are (always) careful --- as it should be--- in our driving habit since cops are camouflaging and spotting how we drive, moreso, traffic cameras in many urban cities (2 in the corner of 41st Avenue and Clares Street). Positive affirmation is very important for our determination to continue with the good work. Bosses of companies and administrators of schools, I think, should be sensitive to the good work of their employees, specially if the product of the work was a result of an "extra mile" of unsolicited effort on the part of the employee. Too much and frequent affirmation can be "dangerous" though. One who gives affirmation should consider the timing when doing it. I don't frequently say "good job" to my students. They are expected that there are tasks in class the are part of their responsibilities. Affirmations are done sparingly but quality.
June 5, 2011
"Calm is strength, upset is weakness." Fred Jones
I heard his quote from Fred Jone's Tools for Teaching Workshop in Rockville, Maryland in July 2007. This is a powerful quote. What do parents do when they are "pissed of" with their children? Of course....nag, nag, nag!
The more nagging, the "cooler" the children get. Students find it hilarious and entertaining when their teacher frequently nags at experience. It's better to be as silent as a "lamb" and let the silence diffuse their loudness. This is tested. Shut mouth causes big mouths to shut up! Silence is powerful. There were times when students turned too loud and it seemed that they will not stop. I will keep my mouth shut until they realize that my silence is a clue that I am in control of my temper. As a result, they will start quieting down...and I won! This proves that being calm is strength! A gentle answer turns away wrath, a harsh word stirs up anger. Provide 15:1. Lastly, a kind word is as sweet as honey and sweet taste. But remember, being angry at times is not always bad. We have to know what is "good anger" and " bad anger."
June 6, 2011
"Nothing is better than this day." Goethe
I found this quote from a quote book from my mother given to her by her former co-worker when she was working. I selected quotes from these book and included it as "signature" for my emails for a while. In fact the quote "Nothing is better than this day" is still in one of my emails as part of my signature. Each day is new! Each day has it's identity. Though I have strict routines I follow daily, I treat each day as a brand new day. Frankly, I have not felt any boredom or any down time in each day...even when I am on vacation. One day last week I had a short chat with one of the persons at the gym and he said, "School is over and I have nothing to do...I am bored!" and he kept on walking in circle around second level of the gym. Hmmmm....he is really bored. Today, I another acquaintance at the gym said, "I have anxiety attack!" I asked if he is affected by the gloomy weather. "No, it's my work!", he replied. We all have different mind set in treating each day. How do you see your day? We we are weak, we will be afffected by the negative feelings of others. On the other hand, listening to someone who is in discomfort is a strength.
August 27, 2011 took long before I get to this "Chopseuy" blog again. Got sidetrack with other foci after the trips in Israel and Mongolia in June and July, plus I'm back to work. About has been good by far. School has been in session for 3 weeks now and going to it's 4th week. My assignment this year is different from the previous years...all of my students are in transitional level, i.e., they are still language-challenged (English Language Learners). They are the most difficult to teach! It's smoothly moving on by...of course, few has started to show up their true colors....but no worries...intervention has been in placed with the hopes that they work.
On the other note...
It's Saturday morning and I'm here in Firestone waiting for my car to finish tire rotation, oil change and sparks plugs service. Mileage efficiency should improve after this spark plug's due. Nice to have a lounge in the waiting are in this Firestone branch in Santa Cruz and watching the news coverage of Hurricane Irene. Cape Lookout in North Carolina is severely affected. I was there 3 summers ago. Too much damage....people had left the shores. I'm thankful that my trip to Bermuda is in December and not during this hurricane season. Trip to Brazil in November during Thanksgiving break is fast approaching with expectations!
An earthquake awakened me last night at 12:20 am. A quake hit the bay area, San Jose and Santa Cruz. I felt the shake...quite strong and lasted for about 6 seconds.
I'm still here in Firestone waiting for my car to finish maintenance...gym and swim after this. Going to concert of Kenny G and Michael Bolton tomorrow night. Monday and Tuesday this coming week are conference days...jeah... I a not in the classroom for two it! What a break!
Photo shot from the Santa Cruz Island in the Galapagos, Ecuador. Summer 2010. Next to is a terrestrial turtle native of the island.

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