What happened to the first quarter of 2011. It's April 1st this coming Friday. Don't be fooled, it's April fool's day! It's amazing and sometimes mind-boggling for me to feel and see how fast all things have been going. There has been times that I did not feel like waking up early Monday morning to start my week, but after several snoozes from the alarm clock next to me, I am pushed by the fact that all will be fast. Then, all of a sudden after the busy days that follow, it's already the morning of the Friday of that week, and I am now facing the weekend and time to post "TGIF" jeah! In my tweets...hehehe! Time has been marching on "faster" than before, and thats the way I feel because there is no such "down" time for me. I am always timing my hour even in swimming. My SwimSense watch records my swim time and number of laps and strokes. I like they way time goes when i am at work. Of course, if i can only slow down the clock on a weekend and during vacation. Time passing by quickly makes me not feel the challenges for a long time...They pass out quickly and easily forgotten. I love it that way...no worries! Jeah!
From today, it will be 20 days before my flight to Hong Kong. I can feel the excitement as well as the thrills of my adventure in Kathmandu and the Himalayas-Mt. Everest in Nepal...Yay! will be on the top of the world. It was only in pictures, movies, books that I imagine this gigantic mountain, now I will personally witness her majestic beauty. I am looking forward to a positive memorable cultural and scenic experience. It will be a blast!
Summer countdown now begins....42 school-work days left and summer vacation starts. South Africa here I come! I hope and pray for peace and safety travel before and by the time I visit Israel and Tanzania this June. Nevertheless, as Joshua 1:9 says, "Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid nor dismayed, for I (Lord) with you everywhere you go." This is my guiding principle each time I leave the country to travel...and it works. All my travel experiences have been pleasant both during my stay in another country and upon arriving back home. Plus the fact that I do not practice ethnocentrism when I am in another place, even in the place where I reside. I look at my experiences and observations when traveling as learning and enriching experiences that broadens my understanding about people and their cultures.
Back to summer countdown...I got sidetrack in the previous paragraph.. :)
It was last August 2010 when the "big day" at work started now we are finishing the last quarter....and I feel that I've accomplished so much in a small and fast period of time...and NO boring moments I encountered. The word "boredom" is not in my vocabulary. There is always something to focus on....but I miss the doodling sometimes. Just like today...I woke up this Sunday morning....All went by so quickly and the day is about to unfold. I was just driving to church at 10 am after breakfast at home and now I am parked here in El Racho Shopping Center in Portola, Santa Cruz after the swim with my warm coffee, of course, and protein bar while typing this blog. It's unbelievably fast, but It's the same length of time - 60 seconds for every minute and same momentum...but it feels like a reel spinner that spins swiftly! I like it being fast during work, but not during vacation and weekends...hehehehe! I guess anyone will agree. Jeah!
Despite of the fast-paced life, I am grateful for everything that happens in each week whatever the situation may be. I make it a point that there is "peace" and "contentment" in each day. I do not put my cares for tomorrow in today's agenda. I deal with the "now" since there are many to deal with what's in the present day and tomorrow has it's own cares and will take care of itself. By doing so, I got PEACE! Do you have peace of mind? I hope you have peace of mind, too.
One quote that I encountered this week says, "Life is like the dice that, falling, still show a different face. So life, though it remains the same, is always presenting different aspects." - Alexis. With the fast pace of time each day, I try to keep all in balance in a day...personal stuffs, work-out, swim, drive time, quiet time before going to bed, listening to podcasts for messages, blogs, tweets (hahahaha), and other things...I am glad that I do not have family and children otherwise I will have different focus in life. I enjoy my God-given freedom. I believe that every person has his/her own "cares" in life and they are different from others' cares, of course.
3-2-1....another day has come!
In Vientiane, Laos- Summer (July) 2010

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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Have a nice day :) Thank you.