June 10 @ 3:30 am at home
As usual, it's early dawn 3:30 am (the most holy hour to be in deep sleep, but it's always pass 12 midnight when I have a eagerness to write, at least most of the time) and I suddenly woke up with the urge of write, and here am I writing this blog entry about "patience." I have no idea why I chose this topic to write about after a sudden awakening from the middle of good night sleep. I did not know how to start it...Tsk, tsk, tsk... I as contemplate, at least two events that happened just recently that tested my patience popped in my mind that time.
I still could not start to write (because I have no idea how to start it). Tsk, tsk, tsk... Then, few moments of thinking, my focus was switched to checking my timeline in Twitter. Here was what I saw in my timeline:
“@suzy899: @jedmadela edsa is gross :(” - As in!
And now this tweet gave me a starting point to write. (Our brain is so accustomed to responding to stimulus and has the ability to make connection between situations if we give it {brain} an opportunity.) The picture above from this tweet made me compare traffic to patience, which I consider as one of the very important qualities of life. As a matter of fact, patience is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit, as the Bible says for Christians. I am a practicing Christian and I strongly believe on this Biblical fact.
Regardless of religion, philosophy, creed, ethnicity, I believe that patience is one of the social norms that is imperative to be successful in any life in any circumstance, endeavor, and in attaining a goal. It can be as simple as this: If everybody is patient, we will be all happy in life. Right? Oh, this is another topic of discussion that poses so much subjectivity -- happiness. (There's really so many to think and to write about.)
What about this traffic analogy? Let me start this with a question: What happened when you are stuck in a traffic for whatever reason? Here are some... frequent checking of time, try to find out what causing the traffic, continue listening to music, sometimes eat, drink (not alcohol, please), talk on the phone, text, check and send emails - that's me, tweets - that's me, too, browse the net using the smart phone, re-touch make up, stare at the mirror, picking the nose (hehehehe) (I saw this happened several times)....and the list goes on and on....
....Of course, not to forget to WAIT, which, in my opinion, a good measure of our patience.
(to be continued) .... I am getting sleepy again. I drunk 12 ounces of milk..which makes me sleepy (Thst's why babies sleep after or while drinking milk).
June 11, 2011 @ 1:28 am at home
Last week I got stuck in a 45-minute traffic on Highway 101 south bound on my way to Santa Cruz to the gym from work. At first I thought it was an accident. It wasn't! A very short section (about the distance between two blocks) of the freeway was closed to traffic. At least 8 cops were in the middle of the freeway chatting, laughing, and doing some sort of road measurements. I had no idea what they were measuring in the middle of the busy freeway. There was not even a sign ahead that says "Road Construction Ahead." It was a "Stop, Brake, Slow Down" kinda thing. I was about to lose my patience and almost got fed up by the repeating songs I have been listening. Breath, breath, breath! In fact I even cussed discretely which I never do, I said to myself..Ops, not that S_ _ _ word, and I started getting back to a "very selective" mode in choosing words that I say. Clean words please, Ernel! There are times that patience is ruined by our impulsiveness to move on and by the situations that we may consider unbearable after putting a considerable amount of time waiting. Words are powerful expressions of our thoughts and feelings! It express our emotions, sentiments, needs or anything pertaining to us. I take every thing slowly, even in walking, but not when I am sprinting in the pool. I found that taking things little by little and one at a time make the "big picture" to be an awesome result. How patient are we does not only depends on our ability to wait. Other factors such as time, needs and personal quality (I mean character) may determine the degree of patience of a person. There may be other affecting factors. What do you think?
Being patient pays of! As for me, it's a big time result of being patient. No doubt that you all agree. Otherwise, this chaotic world will be even more chaotic. Please let us not make it happen. This world is already full of challenges. Let us "turn the tide" towards a new beginning. Teaching the value of being patience to young children and adolescent teenagers are one of the essential foundations of "success." I know this a subjective generalization that I am making...but think about this: waiting patiently in baking cake will result to a delicious pastry (as long as it is prepared well, of course). I hope you got my point. If not, just read "between the lines."
To be continued....
June 12, after workout in my car while parked, with a cup of coffee and munching on Promax protein bar. Life is good! Oh jeah!
Back again! Today another simple situation tested my patience. It was very crowded in the pool because of the sunny day, of course. I decided to extend my stretching upstairs at the gym while wailing for a pool lane be available. Hurrah! After 30 minutes I got the lane for myself and swam gracefully with my bottle on my forehead in my backstroke drills after sprinting with 40 laps of freestyle...hehehe... I did not just sit down while waiting but extended my active stretching.... a great way of being productive while waiting in that particular situation. Very simple! From this event, I can say "productivity equates patience."
Back to the traffic idea...
For example: When you are stuck in a traffic, what do you notice about facial expressions and activities of other drivers and passengers in other vehicles who are also stuck in the same traffic jam just like you? What are they doing? As for me, I see variety of expressions and various activities happening to "kill the time." Indeed, each one has only one intention....move on and let us go home or to my destination. I compare life to a traffic in relation to the situation I just mentioned. We all have differences in many aspects but we all have the same goal...to succeed to whatever we do and to whatever situation in life we are in. Still, I believe that patience is still one of the key qualities of "successful life." (Please do not equate being successful in life with very high education attainment, earning high wages, high ranking position in a company, etc...These are not the point that I am trying to imply when I say "successful life.")
Here is a poem "What Is Success?" that Rev. Richard Bowman (our good pastor in Prunedale United Methodist Church) shared to the congregation last Sunday. (This poem was printed on the back of the church bulletin.) I found this poem very insightful. Let me share with you. Please read on...

What do you think about the poem? Any thought? I found it so powerful. How about you?
Lastly, here are lyrics of song about patience I found on line:
Click here to see the link
Patience is the way I take my time
Patience is the way I stand in line
Patience is the way I wait my turn
Patience is the way I put you before me
Patience is waiting, waiting
Patiently I wait, I try to slow down
I’m not in a hurry, I take my time to look around
Patience is waiting, without being bored
I’ll endure every minute, patience is my reward
Patience is waiting, waiting
When you hurry, you worry and things fall apart
Patience is the answer take it slow from the start
Now stop, freeze, nobody move
Come on everybody now dance to the groove
Patience is waiting, waiting
"....I will rest on His promise...Patiently I'll wait...." from the song of Don Moen. He is my most current favorite and mostly listened gospel singer. I just downloaded from iTune 7 of his songs. They are all wonderful!
COOL! Isn't it! Jeah!
Photo taken in "La Candelaria" in Bogota, Colombia - December 28, 2010

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Have a nice day :) Thank you.