Work, Swim, Gym
I don't like to compromise! It's the reason why I like my single life and "driving solo." I do not believe in a relationship and marriage! Yikes! I hate to hear them saying "I love you forever...then they separate and/or get divorced! Poor children! In my opinion, parents with children who get separated or divorced only think of their own happiness (whatever it may be) and not the welfare of their children, causing many children to be neglected! Please do not get involved with anyone if your purpose is self-satisfaction (whatever it may be). In my viewpoint, it may lead to many complications, stresses, distresses in life and even death due to sickness! So morbid, huh...but it's reality.
What a blessing! Thank you my Lord for all what I have! Our new, incoming principal offered me (again) an extra period to teach this coming school year! Only few staffs are being offered to have a 6-period contract. (The regular is 5-period assignment). I've been in 6-per contract in the last 9 years! Of course, it's a blessing! I willfully accepted it again! In addition to this, it will be another year for me to be the chair of the science department. I love my career! I see it as an opportunity rather than an obligation! It makes me grow professionally and renew my career outlook each year. This summer, as part of the professional development, I signed up to go to the Professional Learning Communities (PLC) conference (my second time since 2007) in southern California, the week after my trips to Israel and Mongolia! Love it, live it!
What a long dental appointment today! My dentist placed the temporary bridge to refill the space of one missing tooth before my right rear upper molar. I don't wanna die with a missing tooth, hahaha! It was all good! I have a good dentist! June 16 is the day he will place the real bridge. I can't wait to fit it. The temporary already looks great!
Our department met with the new incoming principal of our school. He sounded like very positive and he appears bringing in a new "energetic" energy to school's academic strategy for the improvement of students' academic achievement and correct placement! As for me, his plans are "good" and I'm aware of the "how's" and the "why's" but I am unsure of the overall acceptance from the entire staff when it comes to "mandatory" interdisciplinary team meeting during the preparation time. I am" a team player and I am willing to do it, but I started hearing the "negatives" from the "complainers." Really, no one can please everyone in a system. I believe in the fact: "You are setting yourself to failure if you target to please everyone."
Wow! I saw the amazement in the eyes of my students as I signed their graduation clearances with the words "pass" and "satisfactory" or "outstanding" citizenships. That was the moment that I heard many of them saying for the first time "thank you" since many of them do not say "thank you" or even the world "please." It takes graduation for them to learn how to say "thank you." At least they gained confidence is saying it! I think....
TGIF and it's a three-day weekend, and of course, 2 1/2 work days are left before the summer vacation starts. I got my classroom partially cleaned including organizing the drawers and some cabinets this day since most students were gone for the promotion picnic. I was left with the "awesome" ones, I mean, the "did-not-make-it" students. They helped out with the clean up and recycling. I always like not going to the picnic so I have extra time to clean up the classroom and get ready for the summer! Israel and Mongolia here I come! Jeah!
What a tastety dinner in my mom's kitchen last Friday night after the swim! She served me roasted chicken, beef, salmon, salted egg with fresh tomatoes and white rice. Friday night is my "pig's out" night when I visit my mother's home in Santa Cruz after a week of work and night swim! Plus a have a "to go" of baked zucchini bread! Thank you mother!
Click here to listen to Precious Lord Take My Hand...Elvis Presley's wonderful rendition
Click here to listen to Precious Lord Take My Hand - acoustic version ... Very pleasant to listen
It was last Sunday's service at the church when I heard this song and made me recall how "beautiful" this gospel song is. I downloaded the song from iTune right after church last Sunday and repeatedly listened to it all throughout the week - before work, at lunch at work, driving, home, night - which I am sure that if I live with someone and heard me listening to this song in repeat mode, that someone will put ear plugs! Hahaha...I said, I do not want to compromise! This song "guided" my week all the way through. I am a Christian and I believe in God the Almighty. He is my power in times of needs. He is tested and guaranteed! He is my only best true friend! He takes my hand!
It has been five days now since I arrived my summer trips to Israel and Mongolia and a "little" of China since I needed to stay part of the day I whole day and overnight in Beijing. I went out of the Beijing airport and got to see Beijing again since my trip to China almost two years ago.
I am so grateful and thankful that the trips went well and all happened as planned...and I knew ahead that all will be well...with prayers and proper planning. I thank my family and friends who wished for me all the safe moments in this summer travels. Not to forget to mention the prayers the DAB (Daily Audio Bible) family who posted prayers for my trips. They have been a part of my daily devotion each day. It's a WOW! I knew it that I will make it again safely. I started to miss the places, experiences, different ways of lives in those contrasting countries (culturally and geographically) - Israel, Mongolia, and China - as early as now. I'm glad I had about 900 photos and several candid videos during my trips to Israel, Mongolia and China. I got to see them again like real situation through photos and videos.
I feel that I am almost caught up with my routines at home and with my workout and swim. I am glad to have the rubber tubing as exercise in my trips which I used daily to stretch and exercise the hotel. The hotels I've stayed have exercise equipment but I like the comfort of the exercise for me, better than machines. I was able to swim in Israel 5 times. Blue Bay Hotel in Netanya has a pretty good-sized lap pool.
Oh, thank goodness and I am still on summer vacation after being out of the country for three weeks. 22 more days of summer vacation...Yay!...before I return to work in August....Ops...don't think of work...I am on vacation. We have to enjoy life after a long, hard work. Work is not life, but work is essential to enjoy life (as for me, in a Christian way). God said in Ecclesiastes 8:15 "So I commend the enjoyment of life, because nothing is better for a man under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad. Then joy will accompany him in his work all the days of the life God has given him under the sun." Good, isn't it?
A traveler is always a traveler! It's the wealth of experiences and positive learnings in actuality are the trigger-boosters why I love traveling! As for me, it's the best investment without decomposition and invasion of termites. Got my point, right? I just booked my next trip to Brazil for the Thanksgiving holiday break this coming November 2011. I am excited the details of the planning are moving right along. It took me a while to figure out which among the countries on my "visit list" to go. I decided Brazil since it's closer than Sri Lanka. I plan to go and visit Sri Lanka, India (hoping the peace situation almost all over India will be better next summer), and possibly Indonesia since next summer 2012. I thought of Russia but it willow very cold in November in Moscow. I am done with cold weather...hahahaha.
I plan to go and swim tomorrow Sunday early morning. My parents and I and going to visit the new home of my brother in Madera. It will be a long drive. I hope the sun shines. Please shine up, sun...
Ok, gotta finish this entry...I just finished swimming today and I am in my car parked in the 7-11 complex with my cup,of coffee. I want some greens tonight (broccoli, spinach) as part of my dinner tonight. I should go the grocery now. Ciao!
Zip lining in rainforest in Costa Rica, November 2010. Love it! Live it!

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